Friday, June 16, 2023

3 Things to Know About the Advancement of Aerospace Technology

Aerospace technology has evolved tremendously over the last 30 years. Commercial flights connect the world, making it easier for people to see every corner of the globe. Meanwhile, technologies from NASA and private firms let humans discover the majesty of outer space. We're even on the cusp of commercial space travel.

While it's impossible to go over every advancement of the last few decades, here's what you need to know about the future of aerospace technology.

Addressing Environmental Impact

One major goal in aerospace is finding a more efficient and eco-friendly way to travel by plane. Commercial aviation has a significant impact on the environment. The industry is a massive contributor to greenhouse gases.

Fortunately, exciting innovations are set to change our approach to air travel. Hybrid airplane concepts show that it's possible to dramatically reduce emissions without sacrificing travel efficiency or comfort. These planes use advanced propulsion systems. They can achieve emission-free flights for short flights and hops. On longer flights along the busiest air corridors, they can reduce emissions by up to 76 percent!

Rethinking Modern Air Routes

Many airlines are exploring new travel routes. Today, commercial flights take established air routes between airports. But as more travelers take to the sky, airport congestion and inferior flight experiences create efficiency problems.

Newer aircraft concepts can change the flying experience as we know it. These aircraft don't use traditional jet turbines. They're vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft that don't require conventional runways. VTOL can handle short hops to city centers and long-range flights, creating more opportunities to establish efficient routes that reduce travel time.

Going Electric

We're starting to see more electric vehicles on the road. In the near future, we'll begin to see similar technology in aircraft! A hybrid airplane can complete short-range flights using nothing but battery power. Some planes are beginning to rely less on fuel for crucial flight tasks, such as taxing and controlling landing gear.

This move to electric operation is beneficial in many ways. In addition to being more environmentally friendly, it reduces costs and decreases our reliance on traditional jet fuel.

Read a similar article about cargo hybrid-electric aircraft here at this page.

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